Muscles Involved
- Calf
- Gastrocnemius
- soleus
Athlete Positioning
- Torso upright with low back locked in and core engaged
- Feet width
- Jump stance
Coach Positioning
- Kneeled beside athlete to ensure proper hinge position and effort produced
Set Up
- Secure gStrength device
- Attach to platform
- Attach to harness around torso
- Find squat angle (Coach uses a goniometer to ensure accuracy), with appropriate length of chain
Prepare to Test
- Select device, select athlete (if athlete is not entered do it now), select test.
- Tare device to ensure proper reading
To Test
- Athlete is in proper upright position, with no slack in chain
- Athlete will drive forefeet through platform, producing maximal force through ankle joints for 3-5 seconds
- Relax athlete after 3-5 seconds of maximal effort
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