gStrength User Manual
Do not use this product for climbing or attached to any device or human being. You are responsible for your own actions. Before using, read and understand all instructions and warnings. Serious injury or death could result in failure to use this device as it was intended. It is an assessment tool, not a life saving device. Contact Exsurgo Technologies if you are unsure how to use this product.
Before you begin:
When you receive your gStrength, you will need to do a few things to get going. We will go over how to charge the battery and download an app for your phone or tablet. Do know this can take some time to get right and we have tried to make it as seamless as possible.
PART 1: Device Setup and App Install
gStrength Battery Charge:
(Do not try and install batteries as it has a rechargeable battery inside.)
- When you receive the gStrength, please take your USB cord and gently insert it into the USB port on the device.
- Plug the other end of the device into a computer or standard phone charger.
- Leave the device to charge for 8-12 hours to fully charge and be ready for use. We suggest doing this overnight.
- There is a red light inside the charger that will be lit while the battery is charging. When the battery is charged, this light will go out.
Installing an app or program:
To use the gStrength you need a way to be able to read the data coming from the device. Please see this article on how to get set up on the Exsurgo Performance System. Please make sure you are logged in and ready to go.
PART 2: Powering up the gStrength, connecting and getting ready for DATA!
Once you have installed the Exsurgo Performance System app on your specific device, let’s go over powering up the gStrength, connecting to it and the commands to get data out of the device.
Hopefully by now batteries are charged, the EPS app is installed and you are ready to power up and connect. If not, go back to PART 1.
gStrength Bluetooth to iOs/Android connecting:
Note: Please make sure you have BLE enabled on your phone. Please do not try to PAIR the device to your phone. The connection is through the app. BLE allows very easy connections to be made without having to pair devices. PAIRING YOUR PHONE TO THE GSTRENGTH MAY RESULT IN WEIRD BEHAVIOR. DO NOT DO IT!
- Press the power button on the gStrength. Please make sure you have charged the batteries as outlined in PART 1.
- Select the EPS app you installed on your phone or tablet. Please make sure you have the EPS app installed and are logged in as outlined in PART 1.
- Once in the EPS app, you will need to connect to the device.
- Press "START POLLING" and the device name should pop up.
- If it does, select it and then you will be brought to the list of assessments screen.
- If it DOES NOT, turn the device off and then on again so the app can find the device.
- Press "START POLLING" and the device name should pop up.
This should get you going with basic set up and implementation. We will be following up with more advanced data manipulation methods. Stay tuned for more and as always, if you have any questions, please contact and we will help you.
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